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The Magic Dolphin in the Classroom

The Magic Dolphin in the classroom

Outdoor classrooms take learning to another level

The Magic Dolphin book
The Magic Dolphin is a wonderful children’s book encompassing everything an animal lover craves – strong animal characters, excitement, fun, real behaviour, and accurate scientific information from the marine biologists who study them. So, what better way to learn about dolphins and the marine environment than to invite The Magic Dolphin into your classroom (or even better come to visit us instead!)
What makes this story even more enthralling is the dolphins featured in the book are our very own adoptable dolphins – real, alive, and swimming around wild and free in Cardigan Bay!

Illustrator Alice Ormiston & Author Kirsten Hintner
Our schools visits, (and soon to come ‘e-visits’) are a superb way to invite fun, and imaginative learning into the classroom.
Author and film maker Kirsten Hintner, is now taking her book to the next level by visiting schools, groups, clubs and societies.
The UK Department for Environmental Education support The Magic Dolphin, and the Ceredigion County Council love The Magic Dolphin and are fully behind the project, stocking the book in some of their Information Offices.
For more information about this special outreach project please contact Kirsten directly:
Or for information about Kirsten’s previous school workshops please visit www.creativeconservation.co.uk
What our readers think
“I started reading it as soon as I opened it, and barely stopped until it was finished. I absolutely loved it!
The Magic Dolphin is about a real live dolphin and a real adoptee, and how they help each other. It involves an area of land that I have visited, so while I’m reading it I can imagine it. I love the way there is a cliff hanger and I like how you can follow a dolphin’s life from the beginning, in the same way as you follow the adoptee’s life from when she visits Newquay.”
Maria, 9
“I found this book really interesting and engaging. So much so I am reading it again! The storyline is amazing and the pictures are great too. I loved the way the writer (Kirsten Hintner) added true information to the story, merging magic with the everyday world! On Christmas morning, I felt privileged to receive my dolphin adoption pack, I had no idea I had adopted a dolphin let alone one of the stars of this book!”
Sam Porter, 13
“This book is enchanting, an ideal gift for a young budding Eco warrior, filled with wonderful illustrations and lovely photographs. It’s an exciting story and a fantastic educational tool that is full of interesting facts about dolphins and our coastal marine life. Set in Cardiganshire, on the Welsh coast and captures the magic of the area in the beautiful descriptions of the harbours, cliffs and beaches. It’s easy to read, and cannot fail to interest children and adults alike, as it is a wonderful mix of fact and fiction where dreams and reality meet.”
UK Dept. for Environmental Education
“I think it is a brilliant book, a must-have for ALL children. I especially liked it when Lucy and Jack set out on a dangerous adventure!!”
Cara Button, 8
“Great to see a book so different from the usual. The idea of mixing fact with fiction is a good one. I read it with my eight year old daughter who particulaly liked the dolphin and seashore facts, as well as the photos, and now wants to visit Cardigan Bay on holiday to see the dolphins in the pictures and photos!”
Dr Eunice Pinn, Senior Marine Mammal Advisor
“I really like how there is fact & fiction – it’s very interesting. It’s kind of two different stories that join together. I recommend this book to 6-12 year olds. Make a sequel please!”
Daughter of Eunice Pinn at JNCC, 9
Amazon Customer
In the meantime why not claim your FREE chapter from the Magic Dolphin! Visit www.themagicdolphin.co.uk to sign up.