Berry Appeared for Poppy’s Brilliant Birthday !
Hi! I am Poppy, and I turned ten on September 19th, and it was a brilliant day because my family and I came back to New Quay, which is my favourite place to go on holiday!
When we came in the six weeks holidays I adopted a dolphin called Berry, and since then I wanted to come back and see her, so my mum stayed in touch with the Sea Watch Foundation office and they offered to come on a boat with me to find her.
I went to the office after having waffles for breakfast and met Megz and she gave me a birthday card and a little pottery dolphin! I couldn’t believe it. Then she walked down and got on the boat with us and told me how she tracks dolphins and showed me her tracker and her binoculars. Before the boat started we saw a dolphin playing in the bay and Megz said that she was feeding because of how she was acting and when we got closer she said it looked like Berry my dolphin. Can you believe out of all the dolphins in New Quay she came to see me on my birthday? On the boat trip we saw seals and they had babies which are white and fluffy they looked so little and cute but when we saw them up close on camera Megz showed they were actually massive and fat and squidgy, which made me laugh as they were still babies.

Berry and calf Luna
After the boat trip we went and met all the other volunteers and sat on the wall to note down all the boats and the paddle boarders and sea life. We saw 2 seals playing around someone on a paddle board, I really wished that was me on there.
I had the best day ever with the Sea Watch Foundation and they made my birthday the best it could ever be and I was just so happy.