
Schools Love Visiting The Dolphins

Schools Love Visiting The Dolphins

We love nothing more than spending time with our Finned Friends, and also our younger two-legged ones! Llanarth Primary School visited us very recently for their end of term celebrations and to get closer to the dolphins! Firstly, we started with a presentation to the group and told them all about Sea Watch Foundaion, why we exist, what… View more

Songs of the Humpback Whale

Songs of the Humpback Whale

Have you ever listened to the album that energised the Save the Whales movement? Biologist, Roger Payne, created the iconic album “Songs of the Humpback Whale” five decades ago and in a recent interview with WBUR explains how the record came to be. He describes the whale sounds as follows: “It’s a direct emotional exchange…. View more

Mikura Dolphins in Japan

Mikura Dolphins in Japan

We love to hear about what our interns are up to following their time with us!   One of our past interns, Leanne Rosser now works in Aomori, Northern Japan as a researcher for Mutsu Bay Dolphin Research. Well done Leanne! This is from Leanne’s blog: The Mikura Dolphins   Mikura Island is one of… View more

Orcas that Eat Great White Sharks

Orcas that Eat Great White Sharks

A pair of orcas suspected of hunting great white sharks was recently spotted off the coast of South Africa’s Western Cape, with the animals previously linked to declining shark activity in the area. The sighting was announced on Monday (January 17) by the Seafari app, which allows users to document and share their marine life… View more

Are Marine Protected Areas Enough?

Are Marine Protected Areas Enough?

Are marine protected areas helping marine mammals and birds? Maybe, but more can be done. Over one-third of marine mammals are threatened with extinction – and in Europe over 30% of marine birds are declining. Some species, including the Balearic shearwater and Atlantic puffin, are already endangered. Read more marine protected areas and how to… View more

Thank You To Those Cornish Businesses

Thank You To Those Cornish Businesses

For the first time, Sea Watch Foundation has been working alongside businesses in south-east Cornwall. Cafes, ice-cream kiosks, shops and museums in Looe, Polperro and Talland Bay have been displaying our new donation boxes, leaflets and merchandise and we can not thank them enough. Thanks goes to: Smugglers Rest in Talland Bay Talland Bay Hotel… View more

Carbon and the Ocean – Could whales hold the answer to combating climate change?

Carbon and the Ocean – Could whales hold the answer to combating climate change?

The ocean is an important part of Earth’s carbon cycle as it helps with something known as carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. Carbon sequestration is the removal of carbon dioxide gas from the Earth’s atmosphere. Carbon mitigation involves reducing emissions of carbon into the atmosphere. More recently, research has indicated that marine animals may… View more

Ice creams and Information in Looe

Ice creams and Information in Looe

Funding that we received from Polperro person, Chris Dauncey and Polperro’s own Choir Master, Phil Carrigan in May, has stretched far enough to enable us to have a second information board printed as part of our, South-West Cetacean Awareness Project. This second board was sited on the wall of Hannafore Kiosk,  Marine Drive, Hannafore, West Looe in… View more

National Whale & Dolphin Watch

National Whale & Dolphin Watch

The year has flown by, and once again we are hurtling towards out annual citizen science event, National Whale & Dolphin Watch. It’s time to send in your sightings to be included in our scientific data, that is vital for understanding the health and current status of our UK’s cetaceans. With your help we can… View more

Land Ho…Hello John Coe!

Land Ho…Hello John Coe!

Last month brought with it a whole host of marine news, with perhaps one of the most fin-tastic Newsplashes being the sightings of two killer whales, John Coe and Aquarius, swimming off the West coast of Cornwall. This encounter is special because these particular killer whale, or Orca, as they are also known, have not… View more

UK Whale & Dolphin April Sightings

UK Whale & Dolphin April Sightings

Identifying whales and dolphins has just become even easier. Our April sightings video has now been produced and released and to help you with your I.D. skills we have included photos of the different species featured. So, the more you watch our monthly sightings videos the better you will become at identifying cetaceans! It’s a win win!… View more

Get out Whale You Still Can!

Get out Whale You Still Can!

How Sperm whales in the 19th century shared ship attack information   It’s not news that cetaceans are smart, social creatures – we continue to be amazed by new studies as they materialise and the latest one on large scale communication between sperm whales in the 19th century is nothing short of fascinating. A remarkable… View more

One Donation, Twice the Impact!

One Donation, Twice the Impact!

For this week only the Big Give is going to be matching donations to support our Cardigan Bay surveys, so if you’re thinking about giving up that takeaway coffee or your takeout lunch, could you donate the difference to our cause? We won’t ask you to ‘go dry’ for dolphins but could you give up… View more

Where’s Wally?

Where’s Wally?

Wally the walrus has been causing a stir in Wales and has captured the heart of the public. While Wally’s initial appearances were sporadic and in often hard to reach places, he spent around a week in Tenby, hauling out on the RNLI slipway where he was observed- from a safe distance- by several Sea… View more

Monthly Maps!

Monthly Maps!

If you are not familiar yet with our monthly sightings maps which show different species of whales, dolphins and our lovable little harbour porpoise, then maybe this is the time to dive in! Each month we produce these handy videos that are compiled of sightings we receive from observers around the UK coasts that help… View more


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