
Unique Gifts for Unique People

Unique Gifts for Unique People

Wildlife lovers and animal welfare supporters are special people. I know from personal experiences that when someone buys me a gift that has been carefully thought about and is something that I will love it really makes my day. So, why not make someone’s day on 25th December, and treat them to something very special…. View more

Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards

The second advert in our Christmas series has just gone out live to help spread the word about the work we do at Sea Watch Foundation.  This weeks image comes from our children’s book, The Magic Dolphin, and depicts the moment when Lucy (the heroin) opens her surprise Christmas present and discovers an Adopt a… View more

What’s been seen during June

What’s been seen during June

Every month we receive emails and forms from members of the public from all around the UK reporting their sightings to us. Every single report that we get is logged in our database, and it’s these sightings, all your data, that contributes towards creating a bigger picture of the state of our oceans. It’s vital… View more

How do we catalogue dolphins?

How do we catalogue dolphins?

Interested members of the public often ask us how we catalogue dolphins. How do we monitor them? What happens with all the hundreds of photos that we take of them? Our members (Adoptees) are very knowledgeable as to how we track the dolphins, through their monthly newsletters, so we thought some of you out there might… View more

Adopt a Dolphin on Countryfile

Adopt a Dolphin on Countryfile

We’ve been busy over the past few weeks working closely with BBC’s Countryfile to help produce their 18th February episode. One of our Adoptees, Bea, who stared in our Adopt a Dolphin The Movie a few years ago, once again takes centre stage and shows Matt Baker a thing or two about collecting DNA from dolphins! If you… View more

It’s all in the snot!

It’s all in the snot!

The winter is a time to plan what we are going to do in the year to come, and this year we have some very exciting developments in store! One of our Regional Coordinators and survey veteran, Chloe, who is studying at Swansea University, has teamed up with Sea Watch to try out a new… View more

It’s Christmas!!!

It’s Christmas!!!

Adopt a Dolphin are delighted to be launching our first EVER Christmas cards. Each card has been lovingly created by artists who support Sea Watch Foundation. We are thrilled with the way they look; the colours, painting effects, and designs. Open them up, and each one has a different Christmas message. Two of our cards… View more

Dolphin Tales Cartoon

Dolphin Tales Cartoon

    This stunning series of cartoons was produced for Adopt a Dolphin by artist Chris Beaton. So, how does a dolphin stay warm in freezing sea temperatures? Well, they definitely do not pull on a woolly jumper that’s for sure! But, they have some clever ‘tricks’ up their sleeves that they will certainly be… View more

Taking a look at Salmon Farms

Taking a look at Salmon Farms

Issues Below The Surface; The State Of Britain’s Salmon Fish Farms  Written by Arianne Kenworthy It’s Christmas Day. The fire is on, the presents have been opened and the floor is now littered with discarded paper among which runs a very excited dog. Hungry after the morning’s excitement, we all pile into the kitchen and… View more

National Whale & Dolphin Watch

National Whale & Dolphin Watch

It’s that time again! How fast a year goes. The date for our biggest annual event of the year is 29th July – 6th August. So, what is National Whale & Dolphin Watch really all about? Well, perhaps I should firstly ask the question – do you know how many cetacean species occur in UK waters? … View more

Adopt a Dolphin on the road

Adopt a Dolphin on the road

Busy talking dolphin! May has been a brilliantly fun month for Adopt a Dolphin, what with visits to schools and festivals! The timing couldn’t have been more perfect, as we have just brought out our new children’s book!! More about that soon!! We started off in a school in Milton Keynes (Bradwell Village), where we talked… View more

Meet Tigger, one of the dolphin-gang!

Meet Tigger, one of the dolphin-gang!

Hi again! Our friends at Dolphin Spotting Boat Trips (New Quay, Cardigan Bay) have just released their second video diary especially for you. This video shows some of the sea birds you might see in the area when you visit, and also shows some fabulous, close-up, underwater footage of our fabulous Finned Friend, Tigger! Some of… View more

Welcome to our first VLOG!

Hi everyone! As we have SO many new things to tell you about, I thought it would be much nicer to send you this little video! New???  Yes!  A new website, new newsletters, new easy payment system, new adoptable dolphins, and of course a new blog!!!!   So, without further ado, please welcome our very first VLOG!

The Magic Dolphin meets The Supervet!

The Magic Dolphin meets The Supervet!

One of the events in The Magic Dolphin’s diary this year was to visit Dogfest, Windsor. Now, you’re probably wondering why a project all about dolphins would want to attend a festival that focuses on our four-legged friends? Well, the answer to that is that it’s not only a festival about dogs, it’s an event that celebrates… View more

Take The Magic Dolphin Challenge!

  Hi everyone! Together with Sea Watch I’ve come up with this really cool ‘Dolphin Quiz Challenge’. http://www.themagicdolphin.co.uk/#dolphinchallenge The first few questions are very easy, just to get you in the flow, but they get harder as you go! And guess what…if you get 75% or more you get money off when you buy The… View more

Life after The Magic Dolphin!

Life after The Magic Dolphin!

  Hi! I’m Kirsten Hintner, the author of The Magic Dolphin book! Welcome to the very first blog post. If you love dolphins then I hope this blog will quench your thirst for interesting information, stories, updates about UK marine wildlife and much more. The Magic Dolphin is an educational adventure story, and this blog will be… View more

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