I Adopted a Dolphin!

I Adopted a Dolphin!

We love hearing from Adopters who often contact us with feedback about our membership scheme, have questions about how to use their boat vouchers, or want suggestions for where to stay when visiting New Quay.

However, this time, I received a very cleverly edited video from a new Adopter who I had previously been in contact with for a long, long time. Laura lives in Belgium, and she was absolutely desperate to join our membership scheme to try to quench her thirst for all things ‘dolphin’. There was one problem, she couldn’t afford to join up. So, she went away, madly saved some money, and got back in contact with me just after Christmas. She still did not have quite enough to take out her adoption, that is until her friend stepped in and paid for it through her own Pay Pal account.  What a pal!

So, here’s Laura in her very own video telling all her fans about Adopt a Dolphin, and why others should follow in her footsteps.

Thank you Laura, we hope you enjoy your membership!



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