One Donation, Twice the Impact!
For this week only the Big Give is going to be matching donations to support our Cardigan Bay surveys, so if you’re thinking about giving up that takeaway coffee or your takeout lunch, could you donate the difference to our cause? We won’t ask you to ‘go dry’ for dolphins but could you give up your favourite beverage this week and donate the cost to keep our 20 year monitoring project running?
We’ve made an amazing start but we’ve still got a bit more to raise so please consider donating to our cause this week!
Donate to our campaign here:
Obviously times are tough and we understand if it’s not possible for everyone to make a monetary contribution, but there’s other ways you can get involved as well!
Share our campaign or get involved as a volunteer!
Download our brand new Sea Watcher app to record your own sightings of whales, dolphins or porpoises while you are out and about:
Learn how to become a regular observer:…/
And if you’re unsure how to get started, join our live land watch on Monday morning to learn more on how to fill in forms and record sightings!